Moeller Canned Food Drive

The Canned Food drive is back, and Moeller houses are hoping for a great turn out.

The Canned Food drive is part of our community service here at Moeller. Community service has always been a big component of Moeller High School. As students in the Marianist faith, Moeller’s goal is to develop altruistic young men throughout their high school journey. Serving others is something expected from each student. Providing necessary goods to those in need is a great way to see Jesus in others. As he tells us in Matthew 25, Verse 40, “Whatever you have done for the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done to me.”​

Moeller students helping box the products

The canned food drive is one of the most important service activities for Moeller. It helps tons of different families across the city. Moeller is usually able to create about 1000-1400 boxes of basic goods that consist of goods like fruits, vegetables, spaghetti, cleaning products, and paper goods. All these boxes go to organizations like Saint Vincent De Paul and Saint George food pantry, which are then provided to families in need.

Jason Hennings talked with The Crusader about his experiences helping with the food drive this year. He is gathering money for his mentor group and is going to go out and buy all of the products for each of the boxes. Henning is trying to get at least one full box per person of the mentor group.

Henning said contributing to the food drive means a lot to him and that he feels “honored and excited” to help out. He said that after he saw the facts about hunger in Cincinnati, it made him want to do “everything he can to help.” One of the facts that shocked him was that roughly 24% of all people in Cincinnati live in poverty. Also, three in ten families in Cincinnati struggle to have enough food for their families.

Finally, Henning believes that this service activity is “one of the most important activities that we can partake in.” It can help thousands of families in need. None of us really understand what these kids go through on a daily basis, trying to find their next meal.


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