Strong Start for New Powerlifting Club

This year, senior John Pham started a new powerlifting club. Alongside Coach Shaw, Pham thought lifting with his friends outside of school would be a great way to workout. He wondered why there wasn’t a club for lifting, so he discussed the idea with Mr. Shaffer. After working through adminstrative approvals, Pham got the club running in September 2022.

As of now, the powerlifting club meets on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 5am. If you are new to lifting, you can learn how to lift the right way without hurting yourself. If you are an experienced lifter, you can continue to work out while helping others new to the activity.

In an interview, Pham said, “The club has been great. There’s a consistent group of sixteen to twenty guys that attend.”

Although they are currently just holding the morning lifting sessions, Pham and Coach Shaw are trying to enter into a powerlifting competition. The competitions consist of the main three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Using proper form, competitors have to successfully lift the weight within three attempts. Pham said that they are trying to sign up for a competition, but many are full for the remainder of 2022. Coach Shaw and Pham will continue to try to schedule one for the spring of 2023.

If you are interested in the powerlifting club, have questions, or want to join, talk to senior John Pham or Coach Shaw. It is a great club to join if you are not involved in sports and if you want to lift and get bigger.


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