Service Spotlight: Little Buddies

Building community and spreading brotherhood are two of the many missions that Moeller tries to accomplish as a school. One of the best and most popular ways that Moeller does this is through a student mentoring program called Little Buddies.

Corryville Little Buddies is a service and mentoring program for the grade school students at Corryville Catholic located near the University of Cincinnati. The Crusader interviewed Tommy Stines, who is an active participant in the program. Stines is a proud Catholic, family man, and football player. Stines was excited to share his experiences in the program.

When asked about the Little Buddies program and how his life has been impacted by the program, Stines responded by saying, “The Little Buddies program has widened my scope on life.” Stines continued, “Being the brother and role model to the Corryville students has impacted me by putting me in the position to spread the feeling of love, brotherhood, and community of Moeller to others.” When asked how he has left his impact on the program and on the Corryville students, he said, “My goal is to just try and be a good role model to them and to always be a positive person throughout the program.”

Little Buddies is a great way to complete service hours. If you are interest, check in with Campus Ministry to learn more.

Tommy Stines (above) picture taken by Luke Perry ‘22


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