Moeller Sage Expands Options for Students

Jambalaya Meal

This year, Sage has added some key features that have taken lunch to the next level! First and foremost, they have added a widely popular panini machine, which students love. They have also updated the condiments station so students can grab items quickly from the rack.

So far, the food for Moeller students has received lots of positive feedback, and main dishes such as enchiladas and a recently added Chinese dish have become more popular in students’ meals.

A Moeller Sage worker said during A3 lunch, “The efficiency in the kitchen has been much better and students are loving the dishes we have made recently.” Moeller students have had a more positive outlook about Sage this year, and the lunch service and food has become more efficient and easier for people to enjoy.

Moeller students are just now settling into their new lunch schedules due to the class changes from first to second semester, and one thing teachers are making sure gets done is table cleaning. This has allowed Moeller to have much more sanitary and clean lunches throughout the whole school day.

Sage plans to keep introducing more meals to the student body, so they can learn about a variety of foods and find a heathy option that they enjoy. This system is helping many Moeller students expand their food horizons and create a better meal plan for their day. This also allows students to get in shape for their sport or activity more efficiently.

Sage began their dining service around a year and a half ago, and so far, they have done a great deal in helping students learn about different foods and enjoy them. The system has not become even more efficient than when it began. Moeller hopes to continue this program as they are seeing more positive outlook in the way the student body and staff eats.  From jambalaya to Chinese cuisine, Moeller Sage has found their niche, and plans to keep improving throughout the future for Moeller and for many other schools.


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Sam Hubbard for Six!!