Standardized Tests Are Coming: Everything You Need to Know to Be Ready!

High school students across the country will take the Practice ACT or SAT on Wednesday, October 11th. At Moeller, sophomores will be taking the PSAT and most juniors will be taking the practice ACT.

Students are highly encouraged to take the practice tests seriously, so they can be prepared for the actual ACT or SAT, which most students will take during their junior year. While some colleges are beginning to transition to “test optional” admissions policies, many still require scores from either the ACT or SAT for admission. Even if your college of choice is test optional, many scholarship opportunities will often require scores for consideration. Even some colleges with “test optional” policies may have specific programs that do require ACT or SAT scores for admission to the degree program.

When coming into school on standardized test day, you need to bring a number 2 pencil, an ACT or SAT-approved calculator, and a computer. Be prepared to pocket your phone for the duration of the tests too!

Moeller Senior Ashton Winder shared his thoughts on standardized test day. "It's my least favorite day of the year, and it causes me a lot of stress, and I dread the day it comes.” Another Moeller Senior, Kaden Snodgrass, said, “In the long run, it will help with college applications, with the future of myself, and maybe getting scholarships towards my future.” As the senior comments show, no one relishes that idea of test-taking, but they can help you get into the school of your choice, earn scholarships, or enter degree programs. Plus, it’s a rite of passage that nearly all students go through.

The upcoming testing day is good news for freshmen, who will be on freshmen retreat, and for seniors, who can use the day to go on college visits. Best of luck to the sophomore and junior classes next week on testing day!


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New Pillar Counselor: Allison Oakley