A New Season is Upon Us!

The new season in the Church Calendar known as Lent began on February 22nd, Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is a symbol that a knew time is starting. It is where people of all ages, Catholic, or non – Catholic, go to any church and receive an ash marking in the sign of the cross on your forehead, which symbolizes the start of the Lenten season.

Lent is the spiritual preparation before Easter. Lent is a forty day season, which symbolizes Jesus’ time in the desert spent fasting waiting for his public ministry. This time period is where many Christians often take time and have a period of fasting and repentance. It is also a time to set aside time for a reflection of Jesus. For Catholics the number forty has a special meaning and during these forty days of fasting and repentance, people have learned to “give something up,” usually something unhealthy for you. During these forty days, Catholics are usually taught to fast away from all meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during the Lenten season.

Everyone remembers at some time in the past or present comparing the crosses you received at mass with the other classmates’ crosses. The cross of ash also symbolizes a service of penitence. The ash you receive is meant to symbolize and communicate grief and sorrow of sins and repentance through Jesus and his death. These ashes that we receive are blessed in the Church. Blessed so that they are used to keep reminding us of our humble origin. The Bible says God made a man from dust and gave him lift and when you die to be returned.

One Ash Wednesday, Moeller held mass in the morning in the gymnasium. All parents were welcome to attend celebrate the season ahead. Deacon Nathan Beiersdorfer gave a very inspirational homily where he explained and related to all of us how much this season is worth and worth taking seriously for the impact it can have on us, just like it had on him.

So as students of Moeller, let’s celebrate that there is a new season in the church and let’s take Deacon’s advice out in the world today and make this Lent season a good one and make it important.


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