Senior Awards 2023

As senior year wraps up, a ceremony is held to celebrate all of the seniors and their academic accomplishments across all disciplines. During the ceremony, the school learns which students will be honored with key awards and acknowledgements.

The class of 2023 honored John Cordier as valedictorian, which is one of the highest academic honors given. The Chaminade Service Award goes to a student who is involved intensely in their service, not just in school but outside of schoCl. This year’s recipient was Peter Wanning of the Zaragoza house. He is also the House chaplain of Zaragoza. He started a service group and has done things such as lead trips and Kairos.

Another major award is the Gold Shield. This award is given to someone who has respect from their classmates and has performed very well in the classroom. It happened to be awarded to the school captain, Joe Ginnetti. He has been respected as an excellent leader of our school and has set a great example of what a leader should be.

Finally, the last award of the ceremony was the Man of Moeller award. This year, it was given to the man that set the best example of what it means to be a Man of Moeller. The winner represents the school well not just on campus but at outside activities as well.. This year Steven Adams won. He deserved this one. Outside activities, he is kind to everyone and always has a smile on his face.

There were so many awards handed out that it would be difficult to list them all. Other honors given at the ceremony included Magna Cum Laude, Suma Cum Laude, and Cum Laude graduates; department awards; NHS Honor cords.

Senior awards this year went very smoothly, and everyone enjoyed getting their recognition for four years of hard work. Until next year. Keep up the studies and keep your grades up.


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