Homecoming: Be in the Know!

The 2023 Homecoming dance will be held on Saturday, September 23 in the Moeller Gym. The Cost to enter the dance is $40 per couple, and must be purchased by Friday, the day before Homecoming.

There are a few rules that all students are required to follow. Freshmen and sophomores must arrive no later than 6:30 PM and may not leave until 7:45 PM, while juniors and seniors must arrive no later than 9:00 PM and may not leave until 10:00 PM. Be sure you and your transportation are aware of these times.

Keep in mind that homecoming is a semi-formal dance, so Moeller students and their dates should dress for the occasion. For Moeller students, this means something close to Mass Dress Code—dress pants, a shirt, and tie.

The dance will be held in the gym, so no black sole shoes, including high heels, are permitted (Sperry’s and athletic shoes are allowed).

It goes without saying that no students should be under the influence during homecoming. During the dance, breathalyzers may be administered at random or if chaperones suspect someone is under the influence.

All decisions of the chaperones are final regarding all matters pertaining to Homecoming, such as evidence of substance use, appropriate dress, late arrivals, and other conduct issues.

There will also be a Homecoming King and Queen that will be revealed during the dance. One Moeller student from each mentor group in every house got the chance to be in the final running for homecoming King. You may vote only once using the voting buttons.  Any attempt to vote more than once will disqualify all your votes so be careful.  Voting closes at 3pm on Tuesday the 19th. The nominees for each house are:

  • Eveslage: Kyle Havens

  • Pillar: Carson Holt

  • Quiroga: Angus Ellis

  • Trinity: Aiden Kennedy

  • Zaragoza: Brody Leach

  • Zehler: Jacob Herzog

Moeller Senior Mateo Improvola said, “I am most looking forward to spending time with my date and my friends at the dance. Improvola also said, “Before the dance, our group is planning on getting our pictures taken at one of our houses and going to get dinner before going to the dance.” It’s safe to say many other Moeller students have a similar itinerary.

Homecoming is very important because it builds school spirit and pride. It is a tradition high schools and universities all over the country celebrate. Homecoming allows alumni and current students to show support to their school and community and to reflect on the good times and memories that they made at school.


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