Global Scholars and The Capstone Experience

Moeller High School has a wide variety of honors, leadership, and service opportunities. These include things like AP classes, house captions, school captions, retreat leaders, Matthew 25, and so many more. One opportunity that combines all three of these topics is Global Scholars and Capstone.

The Chaminade Global Scholars program strives to combine knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live through wisdom and compassion that inspires each student to find their calling. This is a unique experience that takes students’ education further than just the classroom and puts them into Global Society. There are many requirements that a student must reach to be eligible to be recognized as a Global Scholar at graduation. These requirements are lister below:

  • Students must maintain at least a 3.7 unweighted GPA. 

  • Students must go beyond the required number of yearly service hours.

  • Students must take a variety of honors, AP, and CCP classes throughout high school.

  • Students are encouraged to take four years of a word language with the intention on receiving their Seal of Biliteracy in that language.

  • Students are required to attend one speaker talk at Moeller and one speaker outside Moeller and must complete a page reflection on those speakers. Students must have four of each by graduation.

  • Finally, in each student’s third year, he will complete and present a Chaminade Global Scholars Capstone project.

What exactly is the capstone project? This project is produced and presented by a student on a certain topic that he has studied in a certain part of the world. This must be connected to the future of the Global Scholar. Students work with an internal and external mentor to help develop their project. Global Scholars will produce a research paper and will present their project at the end-of-year public symposium and at local businesses. This project is a lot of work and extremely demanding, but it is something that can move your college application to the next level. This is because students demonstrate skills needed for the real-world, including levels of complex thinking and the capacity to make a difference in the community around us. 

In the end, students will be recognized each year at the academic award ceremony. Also, students who complete the final capstone project will receive a special acknowledgment of their achievements. Those students will also receive a set of silver cords for graduation, indicating their completion of the program.

Senior and junior capstone students this year are beginning to wrap up their projects and preparing for the end-of-year symposium on April 18th. These students have worked hard all year and finally get a chance to present their projects. Good luck to all the students presenting next month.

Dominic Kwiatkowski