Your Serve? House Volleyball Gets a Test Run

Will house volleyball be the next big thing to sweep through Moeller’s Mentor Groups and M-Blocks? Moeller’s house leaders and deans set out to test the waters recently with a senior trial run.

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House sporting events are easily one of the most popular traditions among Moeller students, and the prospect of house volleyball is something that almost any student could get excited about. As noted, this first day of games was just a trial to see how the games might go. Hopefully, in the future a more organized or extended event might evolve. Even doing a house volleyball day for seniors could be very popular and become an added event that seniors could look forward to.

After house volleyball took place during M-Block, The Crusader spoke to Kyler Paul who participated for Eveslage House. Paul said, “I think it was one of the best house games we have ever played.” Paul emphasized that these types of events are part of what makes Moeller special, providing activities that help create the brotherhood.

Moeller’s commitment to growing the house system and expanding house events is something that students can look forward to. Whatever events make it into the calendar in the coming year, based on the love of house soccer and basketball, it’s safe to say that students will welcome any new events with open arms.

Paul said of the possibility of future volleyball events that he “would one hundred percent do it again!” Moeller’s student body is looking forward to the prospect of expanding and evolving house events in the future!

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